I'm Etalie, I'm currently studying for my AS levels and will (hopefully) be posting revision entries on psychology and sociology.
I previously uploaded posts on GCSE revision. If it helps you then great! But I'm not an expert on anything AT ALL so don't rely on everything I post.
(Also, I'm not taking credit for any of the pictures or info here, it's all off google images, notes from BBC bitesize and CGP revision guides, textbooks etc)

(NB - GCSE: italics in the science subjects are things that are only in paper 2!)

Thursday, 8 May 2014



Unanswered prayers -

How it may lead to agnosticism/atheism -
  • Don't feel presence of God when they pray - may feel there is no God listening to them 
  • Praying for a child to be cured/for wars to end/end natural disasters 
  • God couldn't exist if he let these things happen - evil? 
  • More people have prayers unanswered than answered
Religious responses (Christian) -
  • Selfish prayers are answered but not in the way wanted (eg: God not helping you pass an exam with no work so you work harder next time) 
  • God has different plans - may want ill person to enter heaven 
  • God loves people - God's love will answer prayers in best possible way (may not look like direct answer) 
  • Have faith that God will answer all prayers in best way for person praying (even if different than they expected)

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