Carbohydrates -
- Made up of simple sugars
- Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
- Starch and glycogen are large, complex carbohydrates - made up of many smaller units (eg: glucose or maltose molecules) joined in a long chain
Proteins -
- Made up of long chains of amino acids
- Contain carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen
Lipids -
- Fats and oils
- Made up of fatty acids and glycerol
- Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
- Add Benedict's reagent (blue) to a sample (an excess)
- Heat - do not boil
- Positive = coloured precipitate (blue-green-yellow-orange-brick red)
- The higher the concentration, the further the colour change goes - can compare
- Add iodine solution (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide solution - brown/orange)
- Present = blue/black
- No starch = stays brown/orange
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