I'm Etalie, I'm currently studying for my AS levels and will (hopefully) be posting revision entries on psychology and sociology.
I previously uploaded posts on GCSE revision. If it helps you then great! But I'm not an expert on anything AT ALL so don't rely on everything I post.
(Also, I'm not taking credit for any of the pictures or info here, it's all off google images, notes from BBC bitesize and CGP revision guides, textbooks etc)

(NB - GCSE: italics in the science subjects are things that are only in paper 2!)

Monday 19 May 2014


Minerals for healthy growth 

Deficiencies - 

1 - Nitrates 

  • Contain nitrogen for making amino acids and proteins 
  • Needed for cell growth 
  • Stunted 
  • Yellow older leaves 
2 - Phosphates 
  • Contain phosphorus for making DNA and cell membranes 
  • Needed for respiration and growth 
  • Poor root growth 
  • Purple older leaves 
3 - Potassium 
  • Helps enzymes needed for photosynthesis and respiration 
  • Poor flower and fruit growth 
  • Discoloured leaves 
4 - Magnesium (small amounts) 
  • Needed for making chlorophyll 
  • Yellow leaves 

  • Produces food for plant (glucose) 
  • Happens in the leaves of all green plants 
  • Happens inside chloroplasts - in leaf cells and other green parts of plant, contain green pigment (chlorophyll) 
  • Chlorophyll - green pigment, absorb sunlight, uses its energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (oxygen also produced - waste product) 
  • Converts light energy to chemical energy (stored in the glucose) 
  • Chemical energy released when glucose is broken down during respiration 

Leaves - 

  •  Broad - large surface area exposed to light 
  • Most chloroplasts found in palisade layer - near top of leaf, more exposure to light 
  • Upper epidermis - transparent, light can pass through it to palisade layer 
  • Network of vascular bundles - xylem and phloem (transport vessels), deliver water and nutrients, take away glucose produced, support leaf structure 
  • Waxy cuticle - reduces water loss by evaporation 
  • Adaptions of leaves for efficient gas exchange also make photosynthesis more efficient (eg: lower surface full of small holes - stomata, let carbon dioxide diffuse directly into leaf) 

Rate of photosynthesis  

Limiting factor - 
  • Depends on environmental conditions (eg: winter - low temp., night - light etc.) 
  • Stop photosynthesis from happening any faster 
  • Light intensity, CO2, concentration, temperature 
Limiting factor: light 
  • Chlorophyll uses light energy to perform photosynthesis 
  • Light intensity increased - rate of photosynthesis increases steadily (only up to a certain point - only limiting factors are then either CO2 levels or temp) 
  • Not enough light = slows down rate 

Limiting factor: carbon dioxide 

  • CO2 - raw material needed for photosynthesis (only about 0.04% of air, fairly scarce for plants) 
  • Increases rate of photosynthesis up to a point 
  • Graph flattens out - no longer the limiting facto 

Limiting factor: temperature 
  • Affects enzymes involved 
  • Temp increases - rate of photosynthesis increases up to a point 
  • Too high - denatures enzymes 


Testing leaf for starch - 
  • Put in boiling water with tweezers/forceps - stops any chemical reactions happening inside leaf 
  • Put in boiling tube with ethanol 
  • Heat in water bath - gets rid of any chlorophyll, leaf end up pale/white 
  • Rinse leaf in cold water 
  • Add a few drops of iodine solution
  • Present = blue/black 
Showing whether photosynthesis is taking place (starch tests) - 

1 - Chlorophyll 
  • Use variegated leaves - only green parts contain chlorophyll (eg: ivy leaves) 
  • Take variegated leaf from plant that has been exposed to light 
  • Record which bits are green etc. 
  • Test leaf for starch (previous experiment) 
  • Present = blue/black (will only occur in green parts of leaf) 
  • Only parts of the leaf that contained chlorophyll are able to photosynthesise and produce starch 
2 - CO2 
  • Set up plant and dish of soda lime in bell jar (sealed) 
  • Light shining through bell jar 
  • Soda lime will absorb CO2 out of the air in the jar 
  • Test leaf for starch (with iodine solution) after set period of time = none present 
  • No starch been made in the leaf, CO2 needed for photosynthesis 
3 - Light 
  • Plant that has grown without any light 
  • Cut leaf from plant - test for starch using iodine solution 
  • Light needed for photosynthesis 
Showing rate of photosynthesis (oxygen production) - 

1 - Light 
  • Canadian pondweed used to measure the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis - rate at which the pondweed produces oxygen corresponds to the rate at which photosynthesis is taking place 
  • The faster the rate of oxygen production, the faster the rate of photosynthesis 
1. Source of white light placed at a specific distance from pondweed 
2. Leave to photosynthesise for set time 
3. Syringe draws up gas produced 
4. Record results 
5. Repeat with light at different distances 
  • Can be altered to measure effect of temperature or CO2 on photosynthesis 
  • eg: put in beaker of water, different concentrations of CO2 bubbled through 
  • eg: changing temp of water 

Alimentary canal 

Mouth - 
- Salivary glands in the mouth produce amylase in saliva 
- Teeth break down food mechanically 

Oesophagus - 
- Muscular tube 
- Connects mouth and stomach 

Liver - 
- Produces bile 

Gall bladder - 
- Stores bile 

Stomach - 
- Pummels food with muscular walls 
- Produces pepsin (protease enzyme) 
- Produces HCl - kills bacteria, right pH for proteas enzyme (pH 2) 

Pancreas - 
- Produces protease, amylase, lipase 
- Releases enzymes into small intestine 

Small intestine -
- Produces protease, amylase, lipase 
- Nutrients absorbed into body 
- Contains villi 

Large intestine - 
- Excess water absorbed by blood 

Peristalsis - 
  • Muscular tissue all the way down alimentary canal 
  • Squeeze boluses through gut 
  • Squeezing action - waves of circular muscle contractions 
Digestive process - 

1. Ingestion 
  • Putting food in mouth 
2. Digestion 
  • Break-down of large, insoluble molecules to small, soluble molecules 
  • Mechanical - teeth and stomach muscles 
  • Chemical - enzymes and bile 
3. Absorption 
  • Process of moving molecules through the walls of the intestines into the blood 
  • Digested food molecules absorbed in small intestine 
  • Water mainly absorbed in large intestine 
4. Assimilation 
  • Digested molecules have been absorbed, moved into body cells - become part of cells (assimilation) 
  • eg: amino acids used by cells to make cellular proteins 
5. Egestion 
  • Undigested materials form faeces 
  • Egested 
Villi (small intestines) - 
  • Small intestine - adapted for absorption of food 
  • Very long - time to break down and absorb all food 
  • Large surface area for absorption - covered in millions of villi 
  • Each cell on surface of villi has microvilli - increase surface area further 
  • Villi - single permeable layer of surface cells, very good blood supple for quick absorption 

Digestive enzymes 

  • Break down big molecules into smaller ones 
  • Starch, proteins and fats are too big to pass through walls of digestive system and insoluble 
  • Sugars, amino acids, glycerol and fatty acids are smaller, soluble and can pass through walls of digestive system 
Amylase - starch to maltose 
Maltase - maltose to glucose 
Protease(s) - proteins to amino acids 
Lipase(s) - lipids to glycerol and fatty acids 

Bile - 
  • Produced in liver, stored in gall bladder, released into small intestine 
  • Neutralises stomach acid 
  • Emulsifies fats 
  • HCl in stomach makes pH too acidic for enzymes in small intestine - bile neutralises/makes conditions alkaline 
  • Emulsifies fats - breaks fats into tiny droplets (bigger surface area for lipase to break down - speeds up digestion) 


Balanced diet 

  • Gives all essential nutrients in right proportions 
  • Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water 
  • Fibre

Carbohydrates - 

  • Pasta, rice, sugar 
  • Provide energy 
Lipids (fats and oils) - 
  • Butter, oily fish 
  • Provide energy 
  • Act as energy store 
  • Provide insulation 
Proteins - 
  • Meat, fish 
  • Growth and repair of tissue 
  • Provides energy in emergencies 
Vitamins -
1 - Vitamin A 
  • Liver 
  • Improves vision 
  • Keeps skin and hair healthy 
2 - Vitamin C  
  • Oranges 
  • Prevents scurvy 
3 - Vitamin D 
  • Eggs 
  • Calcium absorption 
Mineral ions - 
1 - Calcium 
  • Milk, cheese 
  • Makes bones and teeth 
2 - Iron 
  • Red meat 
  • Makes haemoglobin 
  • Healthy blood 
Water - 
  • Food, drink 
  • Most bodily functions 
  • Homeostasis 
  • Replaces water lost through urinating, breathing and sweating etc 
Dietary fibre - 
  • Wholemeal bread 
  • Movement of food through gut 
Energy requirements - 
  • Activity level - active people need more energy 
  • Age - children/teenagers need more energy than older people - growth, generally more active 
  • Pregnancy - pregnant women need more energy - provide energy baby needs for development 

Sunday 18 May 2014


Biological molecules 

Carbohydrates - 

  • Made up of simple sugars 
  • Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 
  • Starch and glycogen are large, complex carbohydrates - made up of many smaller units (eg: glucose or maltose molecules) joined in a long chain 
Proteins - 
  • Made up of long chains of amino acids 
  • Contain carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen 
Lipids - 
  • Fats and oils 
  • Made up of fatty acids and glycerol 
  • Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 
Testing for glucose (Benedict's reagent) - 
  • Add Benedict's reagent (blue) to a sample (an excess) 
  • Heat - do not boil 
  • Positive = coloured precipitate (blue-green-yellow-orange-brick red) 
  • The higher the concentration, the further the colour change goes - can compare 
Testing for starch (iodine test) - 
  • Add iodine solution (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide solution - brown/orange) 
  • Present = blue/black 
  • No starch = stays brown/orange 

Wednesday 14 May 2014



1 - Current
  • the rate of flow of charge round the circuit 
  • will only flow through a component if there is a voltage across that component 
  • unit = amp, A
2 - Voltage
  • driving force that pushes the current round 
  • 'electrical pressure' 
  • unit = volt, V 
3 - Resistance
  • anything in the circuit that slows down the flow
  • if you add more components to the circuit, there will be a higher overall resistance 
  • units = ohm, Ω 
4 - Balance 
  • voltage is trying to push the current around the circuit 
  • resistance is opposing voltage 
  • relative sizes of voltage and resistance decide how big the current will be 

Standard test circuit - 
  • Basic circuit used for testing components and getting V-I graphs 
  • Component, ammeter and variable resistor all in series (can be put in any order in main circuit) 
  • Voltmeter only placed in parallel around component being tested 
  • Varying variable resistor alters current flowing - can take several pairs of readings from ammeter and voltmeter 
  • Plot current and voltage on V-I graph
1 - Ammeter 
  • Measures current (amps) flowing through the component 
  • Must be placed in series 
  • Anywhere in main circuit, never in parallel 
2 - Voltmeter 
  •  Measures voltage (volts) across component 
  • Must be placed in parallel 
  • Around the component 
Mains supply/battery supply - 
  • a.c. (alternating current - constantly changing direction) = mains 
  • d.c. (direct current - current keeps flowing in same direction) = battery 
  • UK - mains electricity = 230 volts 
Series circuits -
  • Different components connected in a continuous line 
  • Can't control which components current flows through - flows through all or none 
  • If one component is removed/broken, the circuit is broken 
  • eg: fairy lights 
  • Same current flows through all parts of the circuit 
  • A1 = A2 
  • Size of current determined by total voltage of the cells and total resistance of circuit (I = V/R)
  • Total resistance depends on the number of components and the type of components 
Parallel circuits -
  • Each component is separately connected 
  • If one component is removed/disconnected, hardly affects others 
  • Diagram - each component in its own loop 
  • How most things are connected (eg: household electrics - lights) 
Exceptions to series and parallel -
  • Ammeters always connected in series 
  • Voltmeters always connected in parallel with a component 
LEDs (light emitting diodes) -
  • Emit light when a current flows through them in a forward direction 
  • Numbers on digital clocks, traffic lights, remote controls 
  • Don't have a filament that can burn out 
  • Indicate the presence of current in a circuit - often used in appliances to show when they are switched on 
LDRs (light dependant resistors) -
  • Type of resistor that changes its resistance based on how much light falls on it 
  • Bright light - resistance falls 
  • Darkness - resistance is highest 
  • Electronic circuits (eg: burglar detectors) 
Thermistors -
  • Temperature-dependant resistor 
  • Hot - resistance drops
  • Cool - resistance increases
  • Temperature detectors (eg: car engine temperature sensors) 


Voltage/current graphs -

1 - Metal filament lamp
  • As the temperature of the metal filament increases, the resistance increases 
  • (x axis = V, y axis = I) 

2 - Wire

  • Current through a wire (at a constant temp.) is proportional to voltage

3 - Diode
  • Current will only flow through a diode in one direction 

4 - Different resistors
  • The current through a resistor (at a constant temp.) is proportional to voltage 
  • Different resistors have different resistances - different gradients

Charge, voltage, energy change 
  • Current = rate of flow of electrical charge (A) 
  • In solid metal conductors (eg: copper wire) charge is carried by negatively charged electrons 
  • More charge passes around a circuit when  bigger current flows 
  • (time must be in seconds - charge is measured in coulombs, C)